Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Beginnings

I would like to welcome and thank everyone who is going to take their time to read this blog. A big thank you to Resby Coutts of thecurler.com who will act as my mentor this year for my practicum. I am a student at the Academy of Broadcasing in Winnipeg taking their Radio and Television broadcasting course. Resby was gracious enough to accept my services this fall to assist him with his curling show "Rock Talk" on Sports Radio 1290. If you live in the Winnipeg area you can tune in by turning your radio dial to 1290 am or by visiting the Sports Radio 1290 website to stream the show. I will also be writing pieces of work for thecurler.com.

Entries will be made every few days as I will express my thoughts on everything that affects the Roaring Game. Please leave comments below with suggestions and criticism.I am looking forward to meeting and speaking with everyone who has something invested in this great game. Until next time have a good one!!!


PS The official Press release can be viewed here

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the curling blogosphere, Jordan. Good luck with your blog and work with Resby. Kind regards. Bob
